Copyright © 2007 Balmoral Software ( Portions copyright © 2004 DreamCatcher Europe SA. All rights reserved. Republication, redistribution or conversion is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Balmoral Software.
The New Game button plays a video clip presenting an introduction to the story. You learn that pharaoh Ramses II has beseeched the gods for a longer life, and that the gods have responded with a task to erect a huge stone obelisk in order for Ramses to extend his reign another twenty years. You play the magician Maya, daughter of the High Priest Herimen, who has been instructed by Ramses to solve various problems in getting the obelisk constructed. Right-click the mouse to access the inventory and game control menu. You can also right-click the mouse to skip dialog and video segments.
Return to Djer and talk to him. He will give you the other portion of the broken cartouche. Go to the brick pit at the end of the L-shaped courtyard and talk to the worker there. If you haven't spoken to him before, you'll need to show him Pharaoh's seal to establish your identity. Give him both cartouche pieces and he will mend them for you. Re-enter the temple and navigate to the room containing the naos (see map). Put the mended cartouche into the recess to the left of the naos doorway. Light the torch from the fire at right and enter the secret passage disclosed in the wall.
You're locked in! Go to the far side of the crypt and pick up another cartouche. Turn left and approach the triangular floor tile at the base of the wall. Move the loose tile and retrieve some foundation deposits from underneath it. A cutscene plays in which you are warned of the consequences of not erecting the obelisk. Return to the closed doorway and zoom in on a diagram on the wall at left. This is a slider puzzle that will open the exit from this room. Activate the puzzle by placing pharaoh's seal on the highlighted area at the bottom. The base and head of cobras on either side of the sliding pieces can be used to manipulate their positions. To reset the puzzle, zoom out from it. A solution in five moves is:
Press tail of left cobraAn alternate solution is:
Press head of left cobra
Press tail of left cobra three times
Press head of right cobraExit the crypt and return to Paser's house. Give Paser the foundation deposits and ask for his advice. He will give you a purification vase that will show up in the spells part of your inventory.
Press tail of right cobra
Press head of right cobra
Press tail of left cobra twice
Return to the naos room and use the purification vase on the mended cartouche to the left of the wooden doors. Put the whole cartouche from your inventory into the recess, which reseals the crypt. Go back to Paser's house and talk to him. He will give you a triangular black stone. Enter his workroom and approach the long table. Zoom on on the dark-brown statue of Imhotep. Use the triangular black stone in your inventory to move the statue. Retrieve the quarry documents from the crack in the wall. Exit Paser's house and navigate to a door at the end of the courtyard near the temple entrance. Talk to the boatman squatting next to the door and he'll take you up the Nile River to the quarry at Aswan.
Move toward the canopy behind and just to the left of Ouni. Turn around, look down and pick up a black dolerite ball from the pile on the ground. Use the ball on the stone to the right of the pile to show how easily it breaks. Pick up the damaged dolerite ball. Return to Ouni's position, but before turning around to speak to him, rotate slightly right and move forward toward a cluster of two houses. Look down and pick up some dried donkey droppings, which may come in handy later. Turn around, go back to Ouni and talk to him to learn that he has misplaced a papyrus on dolerite tools. Enter his house and note the location of a bitter apple on the table in the first room. Enter the second room and note the location of some ocher (yellow powder) on a low table. There are a lot of scrolls lying about this room. Zoom in on a flat sheet of papyrus to the right of the right-hand flame on the L-shaped table. Click on the stack of sheets a couple of times to disclose a recipe to counteract snakebite:
Dried donkey droppingsThe left-hand door from this room leads to a small closet. Go through the right-hand door past an alcove and into a third room (courtyard), where you will see Ouni's wife Tuya working with a mortar and pestle. Approach her and she will give you a handkerchief containing a transfer spell. Exit the house and use the transfer handkerchief on Ouni. Rotate left a bit and use the handkerchief on the donkey to transfer Ouni's cold to it.
Dried terebinth
Piece of a broken jar
Bitter apple seeds
Pulverize and drink
Go back to the third room in the house and talk to Tuya. She will give you another spell, the Cobra of Hypnosis. On the seat just to the left of Tuya, notice some small white balls that are identified as gum. A bit farther to the left is a knife (click on the knife handle to identify it). Turn left and approach a collection of jars to the right of the doorway back to the second room. The large purple one has a hotspot.
Turn around and approach the doorway between the oven and the tree trunk. Just to the left of this doorway is a hanging basket containing terebinth. You have now identified the locations of all the ingredients for the snakebite remedy. Open the door and descend into Tuya's storeroom. Save your game at this point since a timed sequence follows.
Open the straw basket on the floor. After the cobra strikes, you need to quickly collect all the snakebite remedy ingredients before you run out of "life force" as shown by Maya's bar graph at left. Go back up the stairs and take the terebinth. Go over to where Tuya was sitting and pick up the gum and knife. Move left and break the purple jar with the dolerite ball, then pick up a jar fragment. Go through two doorways back into the second room and pick up the ocher. Return to the first (front) room and cut the bitter apple with the knife, then pick up some bitter apple seeds. Return to the courtyard and zoom in on Tuya's mortar to add all six snakebite ingredients. Use the pestle to combine the ingredients and save Maya.
Return to the storeroom and retrieve the dolerite papyrus from the straw basket. Exit the house and Ouni will give you a dried snake and tell you about the god Ptah responsible for fixing the defective dolerite tools. Ask Ouni about Ptah, he will direct you to the priest Khaemouaset in Memphis. Leave the village the way you came and speak to the boatman to travel to Memphis.
Exit the pool area and return to the guard at the doorway opposite. Use the Cobra of Hypnosis spell on him, then show him the dolerite papyrus, which he will assume is a valid pass for entry into the chapel. Move into the chapel and give the dolerite papyrus and foundation deposits to the priest Khaemouaset. Ask him how you can reach the god Ptah. Turn right, open the wooden cabinet and use the Wedjat-eye of clairvoyance inside. Use the knife on the triangular piece of stone to disclose a dead scorpion. Pick up the scorpion, then talk to the priest and receive a banner for controlling the wind. Turn left and pick up the rod-like key from the altar in the center of the room. Turn right and note the small box, or coffer, that is sitting on the floor to the right of the priest.
Use the key on the coffer to start up a puzzle. The object of the puzzle is to align the open part at the edge of each disk with the red rod in front. An on-screen button lets you reset the puzzle to the beginning. Here is a solution:
Rotate the key counterclockwise using the lower curved arrowPick up a small bottle of incense (Kyphi) from the open coffer and give it to the priest. He tells you the incense is incomplete, so ask him what can be done. He instructs you to bring him some fragrant rush.
Move the key forward twice, using the left-facing arrow
Rotate the key clockwise twice
Move the key forward four times
Rotate the key clockwise twice
The gold plate is now in position
Move the key backwards once
Rotate the key clockwise
Move the key backwards three times
Rotate the key counterclockwise
Move the key backwards twice
Rotate the key clockwise
Move the key forward five times
Rotate the key counterclockwise
The silver plate is now in position
Move the key backwards
Rotate the key clockwise twice
The ebony (brown) plate is now in position
Move the key backwards
Rotate the key clockwise
The ivory plate is now in position
Move the key backwards
Rotate the key counterclockwise to align the juniper and copper plates and complete the puzzle
Return to the corner of the pool and talk to the man sitting there. Ask him if he wants something in exchange. Use the grappling hook on the exact center of the closest lily pad in the pool, then pick up the gouge tool from it. Trade the gouge to the man for some fragrant rush. He also gives you some water lily seeds as a bonus. Go back to the priest and give him the fragrant rush.
Re-enter the tunnel and click once on the head of Thot until it's facing to the right. Exit through the tunnel, then turn left and move toward a worker. Tie the length of rope to the hanging rope overhead, then talk to the midget below. Talk to him again and he'll make your sistrum musical. Re-enter the tunnel and click three times on the head of Thot until it's facing you. Exit through the tunnel and return to the anvil. A cutscene plays in which you meet the god Ptah.
Re-enter the tunnel and click once on the head of Thot until it's facing to the right. Exit through the tunnel, then turn left and talk to the midget. He will give you an empty mold. Return to the first cave area with the anvil and put the mold into the lava river. Put the lava-filled mold on the anvil and wait for it to cool off. Pick up the lava object and return through the tunnel to the statue of Sakhmet. Put the lava object on the broken ankh the statue is holding in its right hand. Turn left and approach a vertical rod that has appeared in a recess in the rocks. Click on the rod to lower it. Exit through any of the tunnels into the next room, also containing a statue of Sakhmet.
Move forward and put the dolerite ball on the rounded rock slab in front of the statue. This causes the slab to descend and four stone balls to appear in the base of the statue. Click on each of these balls to store them in your inventory. This room contains four shallow recesses in the cave walls. Each recess has a picture etched into it that corresponds to one of the four balls. Put the balls into the recesses in the following way:
Sakhmet Wadjet Statue Slab Bastet Sechemtet TunnelExit through any of the tunnels into a third room containing a statue of Sakhmet. Use the purification vase on the offerings dish at the foot of the statue, then pick up the resulting bowl of lava. Talk to the statue to hear the riddle "What did Ptah accomplish with his heart and tongue?" The answer, which can be found in the game's Documentary Database, is "He created... the world."
The game's next challenge is a sound-matching puzzle. To recreate the correct combination of sounds, put three inventory objects into the recesses in the following way:
Sistrum Bowl of lava Statue Dish Water lily seeds (Empty) TunnelExit through any of the tunnels into a room with dolerite tools. The puzzle to be solved here involves moving each dolerite shape to its respective pedestal. To reset the puzzle, exit the room. Let South be the position facing the central platform from the mouth of the tunnel. Left to right, the dolerite shapes are a cube, a sphere and a triangular wedge. From the North position on the opposite side of the lava pool, use the wind spell on the sphere to move it to the South pedestal. Blow the wedge from the East position to send it to the center of the platform. Blow the wedge from the South position to send it to the North pedestal. Blow the cube from the West position to send it to the East pedestal. Blow the sphere from the South position to send it to the central platform. Blow the sphere from the East position to send it to the West position. Go to the West position and retrieve the Magical Ball of Dolerite.
Exit through the tunnel back to the anvil area. Ask Ptah how to return to the land of Egypt. When you're done talking to him, he will give you some magic wax in the form of a bee. Drop the magical ball of dolerite into the lava river. Exit the chapel, then turn right and talk to the boatman to leave Memphis and return to Aswan.
Go to the third room (courtyard) in the back of the house and pick up some twigs at the base of the tree. Put the twigs into the lower opening of the oven, then ignite them with the lighter. Place the figurine on the top of the oven to fire it. Return it to your inventory and exit the house.
Turn left and follow the path to the quarry between the two houses and the pile of timbers. Approach a column of fire in the distance. A jug of water can be found in the vicinity, but it will be of no use in extinguishing the fire. Instead, pick up a long pole lying on the ground at the far end of the quarry pit. Go back to the column of fire and put the mat on it. Zoom in on the mat and use the hotspot at right to move the mat out of the way. Use the stick in the fire to disclose a knife. Pick up the mysterious knife and return to the village to talk to the boatman.
This island has five small peninsulas extending out from it, like the toes of a giant stone footprint. The far right peninsula is where Isis stands on her boat. The next one over is a bit obscured by grasses and flowers. The remaining three are pretty easy to see. Note also that one of the peninsulas has a bird hovering over it, and another one faces a dark mound in the water that turns out to be the back of a tortoise. The object of this puzzle is to get the bird and tortoise to occupy the same spot. Start by following the tortoise around until it surfaces at the middle peninsula. You may need to return to the foot of the bridge to get a good idea of its position. Next, do the same thing with the hovering bird until it too goes to the middle peninsula. When you've "reconciled Set and Horus", you can go to the middle peninsula and cross to the next island over the tortoise's back.
Turn right and follow the path to a pile of rocks in the distance. Pick these up and proceed to the irrigation pivot on the other side of the island. Put the rocks into the hanging basket at one end of the pivot, then operate the other end of the pivot to fill the canal with water and create the Gates of Death.
1 2 3 4 5 6Press buttons 1, 6 and 4 to create the correct representation of the guardian of the gates of the Book of the Dead.
Move forward through the blue gateway to the next puzzle. The object is to move through the maze ahead while identical moves completed by your doppelganger at left allow her to navigate a different maze, all without either of you falling into the Void (which simply resets the puzzle). The trick here is to realize that you can deliberately run into a wall and not change your own position, but if your double can move in that direction, she will (and vice-versa). If North is straight ahead toward the gateway with the guard, make the following sequence of moves:
Move NorthMove forward through the copper gateway to the next puzzle. This is a logic puzzle in which you must find the correct guard out of a set of five, given information about the relative positions of the guards and their characteristics. The five guards each have hearts made out of a unique material: stone, gold, lapis-lazuli, papyrus or feathers. There is some randomness to this puzzle; here are all the possible solutions:
Move West
Move North three times
Move West (which just bumps you up against a wall, but allows your double to move)
Move South
Move East
Move North
Move West against a wall
Move North twice against a wall
Move East
Move North
If the first statement is that "the small guard hath a heart of stone", the feather-hearted guard is at far left.Move forward through the silver gateway to the final puzzle. Osiris's wish that the heavens guide your steps is a hint that you should notice the array of bright stars in the sky overhead. Note also that the four reedy stepping squares each have drawings on them resembling constellations. There is some randomness to this puzzle, but the solution is simply to always step on a square whose drawing matches the constellation in the sky. This is pretty easy since the constellations and number of stars they contain are quite unlike one another, and there are just two possible choices you can make from each position. Continue the process until the last, blank square is available as an exit.If the first statement is that "the tall guard hath a heart of papyrus", the feather-hearted guard is at far right.
If the first statement is that "the luminous guard hath a heart of stone", the feather-hearted guard is second from the left.
Move forward and give the mysterious knife to Osiris. He will give you kyphi, a spellbinding incense. Turn left and put Ouni's dried snake onto the burned section of the reed mat. Stairs will materialize; climb these to exit the Book of the Dead.
Attack Words Spell Cobra of Hypnosis Stay, Maya... Purification vase Magical Net Attendants... Banner of wind Lotus transformation ...lotus... Wedjat-eye of clairvoyanceUse the corresponding spell on the priest before your time runs out. Enter the temple through the closest doorway. When challenged by the guard to interpret his dream, ask him to test you, then answer as follows:
Fat cat: HarvestThe guard gives you a magic coffer as you pass. Enter the temple, wait for the nearest worker to squat down, then move forward. Wait briefly for the second worker to disappear to the right, then move forward twice. Turn left and move forward four times.
Naked backside: Parents
High pole: Support
Wine: Honest
Leopard's face: Authority
Words Spell Come ye... Cobra of hypnosis I obey magic... Rain spell Stay, Maya... Purification vase May the shadow... Magical net I am the lotus... Wedjat-eye of clairvoyance Attendants... Banner for controlling the windIt's helpful to familiarize yourself with these spells' locations in your inventory window before approaching Tuya.
Tuya then turns into a snake. To catch her, move forward into the naos chamber. A strategy game is displayed. Your object is to attack the end of the Tuya-snake before she can strike you. Here is one solution:
Right-click to Maya's upper rightReturn to Paser's house through the main temple colonnade. Use the mysterious knife to break open the figurine next to Paser's body and watch the endgame sequence and credits. The game menu now has a "Victory Diary" selection that lets you recap the events of the game.
Right-click to the right
Right-click to the lower right
Left-click to the right
Right-click to the right (immediately neutralized by the snake)
Right-click to the upper right
Left-click to the upper right
Right-click to the right
Left-click to the right
Right-click to the right
Left-click to the right
Right-click to the top
Right-click to the right
Right-click to the lower right
Left-click to the lower right
Right-click to the lower left to attack the snake
Right-click to the lower left
Left-click to the lower left
Right-click to the left to neutralize the square
Right-click to the left to attack the snake
Right-click to the left
Left-click to the left
Right-click to the upper left to neutralize the square
Right-click to the upper left to attack the snake
Left-click to the upper left
Left-click to the upper right
Left-click to the right
Right-click to the bottom to neutralize the square
Right-click to the bottom to attack the snake and win the game
Copyright © 2007 Balmoral Software ( Portions copyright © 2004 DreamCatcher Europe SA. All rights reserved. Republication, redistribution or conversion is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Balmoral Software.