Puzzle Solutions for Merlin's Apprentice

Merlin's Apprentice

28 January 2004

Copyright © 2004 Balmoral Software (http://www.balmoralsoftware.com). Portions copyright © 1995 Philips Interactive Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Republication, redistribution or conversion is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Balmoral Software.

Table of Contents

General Notes

Merlin's Apprentice is another Philips Media puzzle game from Cliff Johnson, creator of The Fool's Errand, Labyrinth of Crete and several other puzzle games. A single game of Merlin's Apprentice contains 30 different puzzles loosely tied together in an overall theme of ancient alchemy. Several different types of puzzles are included in each game, and three difficulty levels may be chosen for each puzzle: Beginner, Advanced and Expert. At each difficulty level, there are four or more instances of each puzzle, randomly chosen for each game.

Merlin's Apprentice is being offered as copyrightware. For more information, visit Cliff Johnson's web site at www.fools-errand.com.

The single saved-game file acts like a status file - it gets updated with the current progress of the game - so be sure to copy the %WINDIR%\MERLIN.DAT file if you want to return to a fixed point in the game. The saved-game file includes the current status of up to twelve ongoing games, each of which can be played independently of the others using a unique game piece. A main menu selection allows you to monitor your progress with each of the game pieces.

This game runs under Windows 95, but not under Windows 2000.

Puzzle Types and Solution Hints

Several different types of puzzles in five general categories are included in each game. Categories as defined in the game difficulty settings are: Words, Shapes, Action, Memory and Logic. For additional information on each puzzle, refer to the online help available within the puzzle.

Arcade [Action]

This type of puzzle involves targets moving across the screen. The object of the puzzle is to click the targets faster than they disappear at the screen margins. One or more sets of seven colored diamonds are awarded as targets are clicked, but diamonds are lost if too many targets escape. Different sounds accompany winning or losing a diamond. The rate at which targets appear increases with the difficulty level of the puzzle, as does the number of diamond sets required for completion. One strategy that is often successful is to keep the mouse cursor along one side of the screen and minimize mouse motion as much as possible by leaving the cursor in a hit zone and allowing occasional targets to pass without being clicked. This keeps the mouse motion in a relatively-small two-dimensional range rather than having to cover the entire screen.

Cryptogram [Words]

A letter substitution puzzle. Solving for shorter words and observing the effects of changes may make solutions easier.

Slider [Logic]

These jigsaw-style puzzles vary in size from 6 to 13 pieces, and range in difficulty from easy to quite challenging. The goal is to unscramble a jumbled picture by cycling the position of two or more pieces using either side of four control symbols. Each side of a control symbol undoes the operation of the other side. Solution sequences consist of control symbols identified by index, with L or R to indicate which side of the symbol is pressed. The side portion of the symbol is omitted if each side produces an equivalent rearrangement of pieces, such as exchanging two pieces. Symbol indices are shown next to a matrix of piece positions used to identify the location of a distinguishing piece in the random puzzle arrangements. Some locations in the matrix may not be occupied by puzzle pieces.

Simon Says [Memory]

Click on the symbols in the order they're flashed. Distinctive sounds are made as each symbol is lit. Three shapes are added to the sequence at each stage of the puzzle. Longer sequences are required at higher difficulty levels. To help complete these puzzles, the solution sections below contain image sheets that can be printed out and numbered as sequences are disclosed. These sheets also help identify items that haven't been previously selected. The game cursor can be used to identify one of the three new symbols added at each stage. To view the sequence obtained so far, click on an incorrect symbol.

Alignment [Logic]

Press each symbol or symbol quadrant one or more times in order to achieve the desired pattern or color.

Polyominoes [Shapes]

Arrange the pieces so that they fit inside the solution area. Each piece is shown at half the size it occupies within the solution area. One of the pieces in each puzzle remains unused.

Potion [Logic]

Six to twelve objects must be selected in the correct order. The online puzzle help indicates which of these objects must be selected last. Combining each pair of the original objects results in the creation of a new object, which is then combined with additional original objects to create further new objects until the sequence is complete. The key to solving this type of puzzle is to realize that if the correct sequence of new objects is known, the sequence in which the original objects are chosen can be determined by relatively few comparisons of pairs of original objects. Let A and B be original objects whose combination creates the new object Z. If Z is not the first new object in the sequence, then in the true sequence Z must be followed by (combined with) either A or B. If this were not the case, we could start the sequence at the beginning with A B and obtain Z earlier in the sequence than allowed. By continuing the sequence from Z using the remaining original objects, we could arrive at the final new object without using up all the original objects. Since the puzzle structure requires all original objects to be used, we conclude that in the true sequence, the combination A + B must be followed either by A or by B if said combination is not the first new object in the sequence (that is, if A B are not in fact the first two original objects in the true sequence).

So we can go through combinations of two original objects and note which new objects they produce, ignoring cases where the new object is the first in the sequence. For example, say A + B produces Z. Then we make a note that in the true sequence, Z must be followed by A or B. When we find another pair of original objects that produces Z, we can rule out one of the original two possibilities and now know the one original object that follows Z. Further tests of of original pairs can exclude this identified object, which significantly reduces the number of cases we need to consider. If all new objects have not been identified in this way, as is the case with the easier-mode puzzles, we can simply go through the sequence of unused original objects in order.

The logic of this approach is best seen by means of an example. Suppose we have an Advanced-mode Level 2 potion with 9 original objects and known new-object sequence A B C D E F (ignoring the last combination for which the following original object is already known). Number the original objects by 1 - 9, with #4 excluded since it is known to be the last object. Create a table for new objects:

Here, we've excluded the first two new objects A and B since Advanced-mode puzzles allow multiple paths to these objects. We will systematically compare pairs of original objects, updating the new-object table and making exclusions as we go. The puzzle is reset after every pair of objects is examined. First we note that the combination 1 2 produces F, so we know that F must be followed by 1 or 2 (we don't yet know which), and we can update our table:
	F 1 2
Next, we find that 1 3 also produces F, so the only possibility for the original object that follows F must be 1 since [(1 or 2) and (1 or 3)] is 1:
	F 1
This also means that any further combinations involving original object 1 need not be considered. The next pair in order is 2 3, which produces D. We also exclude combinations involving original object 4 since we know that one comes last, so the next pairs are 2 5, which produces E, and 2 6, which produces C:
	C 2 6
	D 2 3
	E 2 5
	F 1
Combinations 2 7, 2 8 and 2 9 each produce A, which is ignored since it is the first new object in the sequence. Combination 3 5 produces E, so E is followed by 5 and we exclude further combinations involving 5:
	C 2 6
	D 2 3
	E 5
	F 1
Similarly, combination 3 6 produces D and combination 6 7 produces C:
	C 6
	D 3
	E 5
	F 1
Remaining combinations 7 8, 7 9 and 8 9 each produce A and are ignored. We haven't found 2, 7, 8 and 9 by this method, so we can test which sequence involving these four original objects produces the correct third new object C. The first such sequence that we find can be used - there may be other starting sequences that produce the desired result if the puzzle has more than one solution. In our example, we find that
2 7 8 9 = C
so one final solution sequence is
2 7 8 9 6 3 5 1 4
and there are multiple variants of the solution with different orderings of the first four objects.

Of course, the trick to this approach is knowing the correct intermediate sequence of new objects (disclosed in the solutions below). More combinations can be tested with the first puzzle at each level to determine this sequence. A table can be used to keep track of results from combinations of original and new objects. For the above example, such a table would appear as

	  1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9
	1   F F F F F F F
	2     D E C A A A
	3       E D D D D
	5         E E E E
	6           C C C
	7             A A
	8               A
	F   E E E E E E E
	D C C E C C C C C
	E D D D F D D D D
	C B B B B D B B B
	A X B X X X B B B
	B A C A A A C C C
where X represents annihilation. Filling in the lower rows of this table can be easier by clicking again on a new object to undo the last combination and pick a new original object. Animations can be skipped using the spacebar. We're looking for gaps or patterns in the table that will indicate a solution sequence. In the above table, for example, there are no combinations of fewer than seven original objects producing F that don't use object 1, so we can assume that the final new object (a green asteroid for Level 2 potions) is produced by combining new object F with original object 1. Only object E produces F (in combination with object 5), so we can work backwards in the table to arrive at a solution sequence.

Level 1 Puzzles

Level 1 Puzzles

1-1 | 1-2 | 1-3 | 1-4 | 1-5 | 1-6 | Level 1 Potion

Puzzle 1-1

An arcade game involving falling dandelion seeds.

Beginner mode:7 blue diamonds
Advanced mode:7 blue diamonds + 7 red diamonds
Expert mode:7 blue diamonds + 7 red diamonds + 7 green diamonds

Puzzle 1-2

A cryptogram puzzle with various letter patterns in stone.

Beginner mode:

    #            #           #           ####
  #####       ######       #####        ######
  ####         #####       #####        ## ####
  ####        #### ##      #####        ## ###
  ####        # ####       #### #        ####
  ####         ####         ####         ####

Solution     Solution     Solution     Solution

Advanced mode:

  ####         ###          ###         ## ##
  ####        #####        ######        ###
 #####        ## ###        ###         ######
  ###         ######        ####       #### ##
 #####         ###         ## ##        ######
  ####        #####        #####        ## ###

Solution     Solution     Solution     Solution

Expert mode:

  ###          ###          ###          ####
 #####        #####        #####        #####
  ###          ####        ## ###        ####
 ######       ## ###       #####        ######
  ####       #### ##       ######        ####
 #####         ####         ####        #####

Solution     Solution     Solution     Solution
Puzzle 1-3

A 3 x 2 slider puzzle of an autumn leaf.


A B   1
C D   2
E F   3

Mode         Stem Position                Optimum Solution

Beginner           A           EAFBDC     1R 4 3 1R 4 2
                   B           BEFCDA     2 1L 4 1L 3
                   F           FCDBAE     4 3 1R 4 2 1L
                   E           DCABEF     3 1L 3 1L 2 1L

Advanced           A           ECDBAF     2 1L 4 3L 4
                   B           CEBDFA     4 1R 2 1R
                   F           FCADBE     1L 2 1L 4
                   E           FCBAED     3L 4 1R 4 2

Expert             A           EDBACF     3 1R 4 1R 3 1L
                   B           BECAFD     2 1L 2 1L 4 1R
                   F           ACFBDE     4 2 1L 4
                   E           FADCEB     3 1L 3 1R 2
Puzzle 1-4

A Simon Says puzzle involving frogs and other forest creatures.

Beginner mode:12 symbols
Advanced mode:15 symbols
Expert mode:21 symbols
Puzzle 1-4

Open image in separate window for printing

Puzzle 1-5

An arcade game involving falling leaves.

Beginner mode:7 blue diamonds
Advanced mode:7 blue diamonds + 7 red diamonds
Expert mode:7 blue diamonds + 7 red diamonds + 7 green diamonds

Puzzle 1-6

A 4 x 2 slider puzzle with one unused piece (position G).


A B   1
C D   2
E F   3
G H   4

Mode         Head Position                  Optimum Solution

Beginner           E *         FHEDABGC     4L 4L 3 2 1 4L 3 4L 1
                   F           CFHEDAGB     4L 4L 3 1 4L 2 4L 4L 3
                   C           ECABHFGD     4L 3 2 4R 3 1 4L 4L 3
                   E **        FDEHABGC     4L 4L 3 2 4L 4L 1 4R 3 4R
                    *: Tail feathers in position B
                   **: Tail feathers in position D

Mode         Foot Position                  Optimum Solution

Advanced           A           ECBDFAGH     3 1 2L 1 2L
                   C           FBEHADGC     1 2L 3 4R 3 2L 4R
                   H           DFHACBGE     2L 4R 3 1 4R
                   D           CBFEDAGH     4L 3 4R 3 2R 3

Mode         Head Position                  Optimum Solution

Expert             B           EADBHFGC     4L 4L 2 4L 2 4L 4L 4L 3
                   A           AEHFCBGD     4L 2 4L 4L 3 4L 4L 3
                   F           CBDFHAGE     3 1 4L 4L 1 4R 2
                   C           FCABDHGE     4L 4L 4L 3 4R 4R 2
Level 1 Potion Puzzle
Original objects:

1  2  3  4  5  6

Intermediate object sequence:

	Pile of rocks
	Blue rock
	Red-yellow rock

Mode         Solution Sequences

Beginner     3 4 6 2 5 1
             3 6 5 4 2 1
             2 3 4 5 6 1
             2 3 6 5 4 1
             2 6 5 4 3 1

Advanced     3 5 2 6 4 1
             5 6 2 4 3 1
             4 6 2 3 5 1
             4 6 3 5 2 1
             4 5 3 2 6 1

Expert       3 4 6 5 2 1
             3 5 4 2 6 1
             2 5 3 6 4 1
             2 6 5 4 3 1
             4 6 2 3 5 1

Level 2 Puzzles

Level 2 Puzzles

2-1 | 2-2 | 2-3 | 2-4 | 2-5 | 2-6 | 2-7 | 2-8 | 2-9 | Level 2 Potion

Puzzle 2-1

An arcade game involving falling snowflakes.

Beginner mode:7 blue diamonds + 7 red diamonds
Advanced mode:7 blue diamonds + 7 red diamonds + 7 green diamonds
Expert mode:7 blue diamonds + 7 red diamonds + 7 green diamonds + 7 yellow diamonds

Puzzle 2-2

An alignment puzzle involving four planets.

                                    Number of iterations
Mode         Mars Location     Earth   Mars   Jupiter   Saturn

Beginner          3:00           4      2        3        1
                  4:00           1      3        2        4
                  2:00           2      3        1        4
                 12:00           4      1        3        2

Advanced         12:00           2      3        1        4
                  2:00           4      1        3        2
                  4:00           4      2        3        1
                  3:00           1      3        2        4

Expert           12:00           4      1        3        2
                  3:00           4      2        3        1
                  5:00           3      2        4        1
                  2:00           3      1        4        2
Puzzle 2-3

A cryptogram puzzle with various letter patterns on scrolls:

Beginner mode:

### ######      ### ####       # #####        ### ###
  ######         ## ###       ###### ###       #####
###### ###     ####### ##       ######       ##### ###
  ######        ### ####        ######       ########

 Solution       Solution       Solution      Solution

Advanced mode:

 #### ###         ###         # ########      ### ##### 
#########       #######       ###### ##       ##### ### 
#########      ###### ###      #### ##       ## ## #####
#### #####     ###### ###     #### ####      ## ### ### 

 Solution       Solution       Solution       Solution

Expert mode:

### #####     # ###### ##     ### #### ##     ## ### ###
 #######       ###### ##       ### ####       ### ######
########       # #######      ##########       ########
## ######      #### ####       ### #####       ### ####

Solution       Solution        Solution        Solution

Puzzle 2-4

An arcade game involving floating bubbles.

Beginner mode:7 blue diamonds + 7 red diamonds
Advanced mode:7 blue diamonds + 7 red diamonds + 7 yellow diamonds
Expert mode:7 blue diamonds + 7 red diamonds + 7 yellow diamonds + 7 green diamonds

Puzzle 2-5

A 4 x 2 slider puzzle of a dinosaur skeleton.


A B   1
C D   2
E F   3
G H   4

Mode         Neck Position                  Optimum Solution

Beginner           B           EDACGFBH     1L 1L 3 2 1R 4 2 1R 2 1R
                   H           FCEAHGBD     1R 4 2 1R 3 1R
                   G           GHFCEADB     1R 2 1L 2 1L 4 1L 1L
                   A           DBCGFEHA     4 3 1L 4 1L 1L 4 1L 1L

Advanced           G           EABHGFDC     4 1L 1L 2 3R 4 3L 3L 4 3L
                   A           DGBEAHFC     4 3L 3L 2 1R 4 1R 4 3R 4
                   B           EDFHGCBA     4 3L 3L 4 1L 4 2 1L 4 3L
                   H           GEAFHCBD     4 1L 2 3R 4 1L 1L

Expert             A           DACFBEGH     3 4L 2 4L 1 4R 4R 1
                   B           HDCAGEBF     4L 3 4L 1 4L 3 1 4L
                   H           EBHCFAGD     4L 3 2 4R 3 2
                   G           FBCHAGDE     1 4R 1 4R 2
Puzzle 2-6

A 3 x 3 slider puzzle with one unused piece (position A).


A B C   1
D E F   2
G H I   3

Mode         Rattle Position                   Optimum Solution

Beginner            C            AFDEHBICG     4L 1L 4L 1L 4L 3 2L 4R 2L 1L
                    I            AGCBHFIED     3 2R 4R 3 2R 4L
                    G            AEHBICDGF     3 1L 4R 2R 4R
                    B            ADBHFIGEC     3 1L 2R 4L 2R 4L 3 1L

Advanced            I            ACIBEHGFD     2R 3R 1L 2R 3R 2R
                    B            ADEFHBGCI     4R 1R 4L 2R 3L
                    C            AEDBGIHCF     4L 2R 4L 1R 2R 3R 2L
                    I            AFIBEHCGD     3L 1R 4L 1R 2R 3R

Expert              B            ADGCIEHFB     1L 1L 1L 4 2L 3R 1L 3L
                    C            AEDHCBFIG     2R 3R 1L 4 1L 1L
                    I            AEGHBFCID     3R 1R 2R 1R 2L 1R
                    G            AGFHCBDEI     4 3L 1R 4 2R 1L
Puzzle 2-7

A polyomino puzzle on a diamond-shaped background:

Beginner Mode
Beginner Puzzle 1 Beginner Puzzle 2
Solution Solution
Beginner Puzzle 3 Beginner Puzzle 4
Solution Solution
Advanced Mode
Advanced Puzzle 1 Advanced Puzzle 2
Solution Solution
Advanced Puzzle 3 Advanced Puzzle 4
Solution Solution
Expert Mode
Expert Puzzle 1 Expert Puzzle 2
Solution Solution
Expert Puzzle 3 Expert Puzzle 4
Solution Solution
Puzzle 2-8

A Simon Says puzzle involving potion bottles.

Beginner mode:15 symbols
Advanced mode:21 symbols
Expert mode:27 symbols
Puzzle 2-8

Open image in separate window for printing

Puzzle 2-9

A polyomino puzzle on a rectangular background:

Beginner Mode
Beginner Puzzle 1 Beginner Puzzle 2
Solution Solution
Beginner Puzzle 3 Beginner Puzzle 4
Solution Solution
Advanced Mode
Advanced Puzzle 1 Advanced Puzzle 2
Solution Solution
Advanced Puzzle 3 Advanced Puzzle 4
Solution Solution
Expert Mode
Expert Puzzle 1 Expert Puzzle 2
Solution Solution
Expert Puzzle 3 Expert Puzzle 4
Solution Solution
Level 2 Potion Puzzle

Original objects:
1  2  3  4  5
6  7     8  9

Intermediate object sequence:

	Mercury (red)
	Venus (blue-green)
	Mars (red-yellow)
	Green asteroid

Mode         Solution Sequences

Beginner     1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 4
             9 8 7 6 3 2 5 1 4
             5 6 1 3 7 9 2 8 4
             9 8 7 3 2 1 6 5 4
             9 8 7 6 5 1 3 2 4
             9 8 5 3 1 2 7 6 4
             1 2 5 6 7 8 9 3 4
             9 8 2 3 5 6 1 7 4

Advanced     5 6 7 8 9 1 3 2 4
             2 3 5 9 1 8 7 6 4
             1 2 7 6 8 5 9 3 4
             8 9 3 6 5 2 1 7 4
             3 5 1 7 2 6 8 9 4
             8 9 7 2 6 3 5 1 4
             5 6 1 9 3 7 2 8 4
             2 3 8 1 7 9 6 5 4

Expert       7 9 8 2 6 3 5 1 4
             1 9 5 6 3 7 2 8 4
             1 8 2 3 7 9 6 5 4
             5 8 6 7 9 1 3 2 4
             2 5 3 9 1 8 7 6 4
             2 6 7 1 8 5 9 3 4
             3 6 9 8 5 2 1 7 4
             3 7 1 5 2 6 8 9 4

Level 3 Puzzles

Level 3 Puzzles

3-1 | 3-2 | 3-3 | 3-4 | 3-5 | 3-6 | 3-7 | 3-8 | 3-9 | 3-10 | 3-11 | 3-12 | Level 3 Potion

Puzzle 3-1

An alignment puzzle involving four quadrants of a stained-glass window.

Quadrant layout:

	4  1
	3  2

Color sequence:


                        Quadrant color & Number of iterations
Mode         Quadrant 1      Quadrant 2      Quadrant 3      Quadrant 4

Beginner     Red/Blue        Blue/Green      Blue/Green      Multi-colored
             1 iteration     2 iterations    3 iterations    3 iterations

             Blue/Green      Red/Blue        Multi-colored   Blue/Green
             3 iterations    3 iterations    2 iterations    1 iteration

             Multi-colored   Blue/Green      Red/Blue        Blue/Green
             3 iterations    1 iteration     3 iterations    2 iterations

             Blue/Green      Blue/Green      Multi-colored   Red/Blue
             2 iterations    3 iterations    3 iterations    1 iteration

Advanced     Blue/Green      Blue/Green      Red/Yellow      Red/Blue
             2 iterations    1 iteration     3 iterations    3 iterations

             Multi-colored   Blue/Green      Red/Blue        Red/Blue
             2 iterations    3 iterations    3 iterations    1 iteration

             Red/Blue        Red/Blue        Multi-colored   Multi-colored
             1 iteration     3 iterations    2 iterations    3 iterations

             Blue/Green      Blue/Green      Red/Blue        Blue/Green
             3 iterations    2 iterations    3 iterations    1 iteration

Expert       Red/Yellow      Blue/Green      Blue/Green      Blue/Green
             3 iterations    3 iterations    2 iterations    1 iteration

             Multi-colored   Multi-colored   Red/Yellow      Multi-colored
             1 iteration     2 iterations    3 iterations    3 iterations

             Red/Blue        Red/Yellow      Blue/Green      Multi-colored
             1 iteration     3 iterations    3 iterations    2 iterations

             Blue/Green      Red/Blue        Red/Yellow      Red/Blue
             2 iterations    1 iteration     3 iterations    3 iterations
Puzzle 3-2

A polyomino puzzle on an octagonal background:

Beginner Mode
Beginner Puzzle 1 Beginner Puzzle 2
Solution Solution
Beginner Puzzle 3 Beginner Puzzle 4
Solution Solution
Advanced Mode
Advanced Puzzle 1 Advanced Puzzle 2
Solution Solution
Advanced Puzzle 3 Advanced Puzzle 4
Solution Solution
Expert Mode
Expert Puzzle 1 Expert Puzzle 2
Solution Solution
Expert Puzzle 3 Expert Puzzle 4
Solution Solution
Puzzle 3-3

An alignment puzzle involving the correct placement of nine ghostly heads.


1  2  3  4
5  6  7  8  9

Mode         Solution sequence(s)

Beginner     1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9

Advanced     1 3 4 5 6 6 7 8

Expert       1 5 7 8
             1 4 5 7 8 9
Puzzle 3-4

An alignment puzzle involving four colored quadrants of a star.

Quadrant layout:

	4  1
	3  2

Color sequence:


                        Quadrant color & Number of iterations
Mode         Quadrant 1      Quadrant 2      Quadrant 3      Quadrant 4

Beginner     Yellow          Green           Red             White
             4 iterations    4 iterations    5 iterations    2 iterations

             Purple          Green           Green           White
             3 iterations    5 iterations    4 iterations    2 iterations

             Purple          Green           Blue            Red
             3 iterations    4 iterations    5 iterations    2 iterations

             White           Green           White           Red
             3 iterations    2 iterations    5 iterations    4 iterations

Advanced     White           White           Yellow          Purple
             3 iterations    2 iterations    5 iterations    1 iteration

             Purple          Red             Blue            Red
             3 iterations    1 iteration     2 iterations    5 iterations

             Red             Red             Blue            Purple
             3 iterations    1 iteration     5 iterations    2 iterations

             White           Yellow          White           Red
             3 iterations    5 iterations    2 iterations    1 iteration

Expert       Purple          White           Yellow          Purple
             5 iterations    2 iterations    1 iteration     5 iterations

             White           Yellow          White           Red
             3 iterations    5 iterations    2 iterations    1 iteration

             Purple          White           Green           White
             3 iterations    2 iterations    1 iteration     5 iterations

             White           White           Yellow          Purple
             3 iterations    2 iterations    5 iterations    1 iteration
Puzzle 3-5

This alignment puzzle involves opening all eight parts of a locked gate.

Row layout:


Click on the wall next to the gate to get the positions of a blind row.

Mode         Press rows

Beginner     1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8
Advanced     2 2 2 4 4 4 6 6 6 8 8 8
Expert       1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8
Puzzle 3-6

An arcade game involving floating jewels.

Beginner mode:7 purple diamonds + 7 red diamonds + 7 yellow diamonds
Advanced mode:7 purple diamonds + 7 red diamonds + 7 yellow diamonds + 7 blue diamonds
Expert mode:7 purple diamonds + 7 red diamonds + 7 yellow diamonds + 7 blue diamonds + 7 green diamonds

Puzzle 3-7

A 3 x 5 slider puzzle with two unused pieces (positions A and E).


A B C D E   1
F G H I J   2
K L M N O   3
Note: Solution sequences for this puzzle may not be optimal.

Beginner Mode
Beginner Puzzle 1 Beginner Puzzle 2
3R 3R 2R 1L 2R 3L 1L 3L 2R 1L 3L 4L 4L 1R 2L 3L 3L 4R 4R 1R 4R 1L 4R 2R 1R 4L 1L 2L 1R 4L 4L 2R 1R 2L 1L 2R 1R 3L 3L 1L 2R 3L 3L 1L 3L 4L 4L 1R 3L 3L 2L 1R 4L 1L 4L 1R 4R 1L 4L 1R 4L 1L 4L 1R 4R 1L 4L 2L 1R 2R 1R 2L 1L 4L 4L 2L
Beginner Puzzle 3 Beginner Puzzle 4
3R 1L 4R 4R 3L 3L 1R 3R 3R 2L 1R 4L 1L 4L 1R 4R 1L 4L 1R 4L 1L 2L 1R 4R 4R 2R 1R 2L 1L 4R 4R 1R 3L 2R 1L 3L 3L 1R 3R 1L 3L 4L 1R 3L 2L 1L 3L 3L 1R 4L 1L 2R 1R 4L 1L 4L 1R 4R 1L 4L 2L 1R 4L 1L 2R 1R 4L 4L 2R 1R 2L 1L 2L
Advanced Mode
Advanced Puzzle 1 Advanced Puzzle 2
3L 4L 4L 1R 3L 3L 2L 1L 4R 4R 2R 1R 4L 4L 1L 2R 1R 2L 1R 2R 1L 4L 1R 3L 1L 3L 4R 4R 1R 3L 1R 3L 1L 3R 2R 1R 4L 4L 1L 4L 4L 1R 4R 1L 2L
Advanced Puzzle 3 Advanced Puzzle 4
1L 3R 3R 1L 3R 1R 3L 4L 1R 3L 2L 1L 3R 4R 1R 4R 4R 1L 4R 2L 1R 4L 1L 2R 1R 4R 2L 1R 2R 1L 2L 2R 1L 3R 3R 1L 3R 1R 3L 4L 4L 1R 4L 4L 2R 1R 4R 2L 1R 2R 1L 2R
Expert Mode
Expert Puzzle 1 Expert Puzzle 2
4L 2L 4L 4L 2R 3R 4L 4L 4L 2R 4L 4L 4L 4L 3R 2L 4R 3R 4L 4L 4L 4L 4L 1R 2R 4L 2L 4R 2L 4R 1L 2R 4L 2L 3L 4L 4L 4L 4L 1L 2L 4R 4R 4R 1L 4L 4L 4L 4L 1R 4L 3L 4R 4R 4R 2R 3L 4L 4L 4L 4L 4L 1R 2R 4R 1L 4L 4L 2L 4R 4R 4R 4R 3L 4R 3L 2R 4R 3L 2R 4L 3L 2L 4L 3R
Expert Puzzle 3 Expert Puzzle 4
4R 4R 2R 4L 1R 4L 3L 4L 2L 4R 2R 3R 4R 4R 2R 4L 3L 4R 3R 4R 2L 4L 3L 2L 4L 3R 4R 3L 4L 3R 4R 3L 2R 1R 2L 1R 4R 4R 2R 4R 1R 4R 2R 3R 4L 2L 4R 2L 3R 4L 4L 2L 3R 4L 3R 4R 2R 4R 3L 4L 3L 4R
Puzzle 3-8

An arcade game involving daemon heads.

Beginner mode:7 purple diamonds + 7 red diamonds + 7 yellow diamonds
Advanced mode:7 purple diamonds + 7 red diamonds + 7 yellow diamonds + 7 blue diamonds
Expert mode:7 purple diamonds + 7 red diamonds + 7 yellow diamonds + 7 blue diamonds + 7 green diamonds

Puzzle 3-9

A polyomino puzzle on a parallelogram background:

Beginner Mode
Beginner Puzzle 1 Beginner Puzzle 2
Solution Solution
Beginner Puzzle 3 Beginner Puzzle 4
Solution Solution
Advanced Mode
Advanced Puzzle 1 Advanced Puzzle 2
Solution Solution
Advanced Puzzle 3 Advanced Puzzle 4
Solution Solution
Expert Mode
Expert Puzzle 1 Expert Puzzle 2
Solution Solution
Expert Puzzle 3 Expert Puzzle 4
Solution Solution
Puzzle 3-10

A 3 x 5 slider puzzle with two unused pieces (positions I and L) made more difficult because the puzzle extends beyond the viewport boundaries.


A B C D E   1
F G H I J   2
K L M N O   3

Mode         Position                       Optimum Solution

Beginner         D         CABGFKEHIDJL     3 1L 1L 4L 1L 2R 4R 2L 4L 2L 4L
                 K         AHEBFJDKICGL     1R 4R 1L 1L 4L 1R 2R 4L 3 2L 2L 4L 3
                 J         FCKAEDBHIGJL     3 2L 4R 1L 1L 4L 2R 4R 1R
                 A         GCHBEDAKIFJL     3 2R 4L 2L 4R 2L 1L 4R 1L 2R 4L

Advanced         J         FHEDJACBIGKL     3R 1L 3L 4R 2L 2L 1R 4L 2R 4L
                 A         GCFJEDKHIBAL     4L 1L 1L 4L 3L 1L 4L 1L
                 D         BEKGAJDCIFHL     4L 2L 2L 1R 3R 2L 4R 1L 4L 1L 3R
                 K         FCBDEJAKIHGL     2R 4L 3R 1L 3L 2L 4L 1R 3R

Expert           A         GEAJDKHBIFCL     1R 2 1R 2 3R 4R 1L 2 3R 1R 3R
                 D         DBKGFAJHIECL     1L 4L 1R 1R 2 4R 1L 4R 1R 4L 3L
                 K         DEAFHJKBICGL     4L 1R 1R 1R 4R 1R 3L 1L 2 3R 1L 4L
                 J         FDCKBEJHIGAL     1L 3L 4R 1R 1R 3R 4R 1R 4L 2 1L
Puzzle 3-11

A cryptogram puzzle with various letter patterns on a cavern wall:

Beginner mode:

   #### #         ### #####       # ###### ##          ## ###
 ###### ##        ## #####       ### ### ####        ###### ###
 ####### ##      ###### ###      ## ###### ##       ###### #####
### ########     #### ######      ### #### ##      ## #### ######
## ### ####       #### ###       ### #########       #### # ###
####### ####     ####### ###      ##### ####        ##### ### ##
   ######         ### ####          #######           ### ####

  Solution        Solution         Solution           Solution

Advanced mode:

  ### #####        #### ####          ##### ## #         # ####
  #### ####        #### #####          #########       ##### ####
##### #### ##      ### #### ####     ####### ## ##     ####### ##
##### ##### ##     ###########       ##### ## ###      #### #####
 ##### ## ###      ###### ## ##      ####### #####     ### ######
  #### #####       ###### ## #        ###### ###       #### ######
    ######         ##### ###           #### ####       ### ## ###

   Solution          Solution          Solution         Solution

Expert mode:

   # ######           # ######          ### ######        ## ### ####
 #### ######        #### ######         ## #######        ## #######
### ## # #####     ## #### #####      #### #########      ### ######
  ### #####        ##### #### ###      #### # #####      ######## ####
 ######## ###      ########## ##       ### #### ##       ### ##### ##
  ### ######       ### #########       ## #### ####        #### ####
   ########           ########          ### #####            #####

   Solution           Solution           Solution          Solution

Puzzle 3-12

A Simon Says puzzle involving a cavern.

Beginner mode:21 symbols
Advanced mode:27 symbols
Expert mode:33 symbols
Puzzle 3-12

Open image in separate window for printing

Level 3 Potion Puzzle

Original objects:

    1   2   3   4   5
6   7   8   9  10  11  12

Intermediate object sequence:

	Purple egg
	2 chickens
	Hairy claw
	2-headed lizard

Mode         Solution Sequences

Beginner     3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 11 2 1 7
             1 2 3 5 8 9 10 12 4 11 6 7
             2 3 5 6 8 9 10 11 1 4 12 7
             2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 6 1 8 7
             1 2 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 6 3 7
             1 2 3 4 6 9 10 11 8 12 5 7
             1 2 4 5 6 9 11 12 3 8 10 7
             1 2 4 6 8 10 11 12 5 3 9 7
             1 3 4 6 8 9 11 12 10 5 2 7
             1 2 3 4 5 6 8 12 9 10 11 7
             1 3 5 6 8 10 11 12 2 9 4 7

Advanced     4 5 8 9 10 11 1 2 12 6 3 7
             1 2 3 9 10 4 6 11 8 12 5 7
             2 5 6 9 11 1 12 4 3 8 10 7
             2 4 10 11 12 6 8 1 5 3 9 7
             1 4 8 9 11 12 3 6 10 5 2 7
             1 2 3 4 6 8 5 12 9 10 11 7
             1 5 6 11 12 3 10 8 2 9 4 7
             4 6 8 10 12 5 9 3 11 2 1 7
             1 3 8 9 12 10 2 5 4 11 6 7
             2 3 5 6 8 9 11 10 1 4 12 7
             3 5 10 11 12 2 4 9 6 1 8 7

Expert       2 4 11 10 12 6 8 1 5 3 9 7
             1 11 4 9 8 12 3 6 10 5 2 7
             4 6 1 2 3 8 5 12 9 10 11 7
             1 12 6 11 5 3 10 8 2 9 4 7
             6 8 12 4 10 5 9 3 11 2 1 7
             3 12 8 1 9 10 2 5 4 11 6 7
             5 8 3 6 2 9 11 10 1 4 12 7
             3 10 5 12 11 2 4 9 6 1 8 7
             5 9 10 8 4 11 1 2 12 6 3 7
             2 10 9 3 1 4 6 11 8 12 5 7
             9 11 2 5 6 1 12 4 3 8 10 7

Table of Contents


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