Balmoral Software
Solutions: 4
The angle defining the wedge is in a plane normal to the diameter shared by its sides; let it be a fraction a of a full circle, 0 < a < 1. Then the volume and lune surface area of the wedge are the corresponding fractions of a sphere of radius r:![]()
V = (4/3)r3a πThe lune area 4r2a π and the semicircle area r2 π/2 are integer multiples of π. By equability,S = 4r2a π + 2 semicircular sides = 4r2a π + r2 π
V = SIf r = 3, then the semicircle area divided by π is r2/2 = 9/2, which is not an integer, so r ≠ 3 and we can write(4r - 12)a = 3
Since r2/2 is an integer, r is the square root of an even integer:![]()
for some integer k. The lune area divided by π is![]()
which is irrational unless r is an integer. We then have![]()
Since 4r2a and r are integers, r - 3 divides 27, and therefore r ∈ {4,6,12,30}. The four solutions are:![]()
r a Angle Semicircle area Lune area V=S 4 3/4 270° 8 π 48 π 64 π 6 1/4 90° 18 π 36 π 72 π 12 1/12 30° 72 π 48 π 192 π 30 1/36 10° 450 π 100 π 1000 π
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